Parent & Family Resources
Study Abroad Benefits
Study abroad is much more than travel. Study abroad enables students to earn college credit while gaining valuable experience in their field in an intercultural setting; form important connections with faculty, staff, and students from other parts of the world; and develop a wide variety of career-related skills valued by employers and graduate schools. Students who study abroad earn $7,000 more in starting salaries and are more likely to secure a job after graduation ().
Learn more about career benefits of study abroad
Study Abroad Considerations
Health & Safety
The health and safety of study abroad participants is our utmost priority. The Global Learning Office collaborates with 榴梿视频's Office of Global Safety and Security and University Study Abroad Committee to regularly review and continuously monitor all study abroad 榴梿视频s to ensure safety, security, and overall quality standards are met. Additionally, all students who study abroad are required to carry GeoBlue Global Health Insurance (or the equivalent), which covers emergencies, mental health care, prescription medications, routine medical care, and more with zero deductible and no co-pays.
Learn more about student health and safety abroad
Money Matters
The Global Learning Office is committed to making study abroad possible for all students, regardless of their financial situation. Financial aid applies to study abroad, and many scholarships and fellowships are also available. Students are encouraged to meet with a study abroad financial aid adviser to discuss their specific financial situation. We've compiled additional resources and student experiences for students with high financial need.
Learn more about study abroad money matters
With proper planning, 榴梿视频 students in all majors and minors can study abroad for academic credit. Students are required to meet with their academic adviser as part of the 榴梿视频 study abroad application to ensure their study abroad plans work well with their academic goals. Study abroad need not delay graduation; some students even come out ahead on credits after a term abroad. Students can contact returnees in their major to learn how they made study abroad work.
Additional Resources
For an in-depth resource on providing support to your child as they navigate the study abroad process, download A Parent Guide to Study Abroad, created by the Institute for International Education (IIE) and the American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS). The handbook is available in English and Spanish.
Review the 榴梿视频 Study Abroad Fact Sheet for information regarding 榴梿视频 types, finances, academics, health and safety. The Fact Sheet is available in English and Spanish.
Review study abroad conversation starters related to applications, academic questions, financial questions, health and safety. Conversation starters are available in English and Spanish.
- Study Abroad Conversation Starters for Families
- Puntos de Conversación Sobre Estudios en el Extranjero para Familias
The Global Learning Office also created a video in Spanish to introduce parents and families to various benefits of study abroad.
Nuestra oficina creó un video en español para presentarles a los padres y familias los diversos beneficios de estudiar en el extranjero.