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I also understand that the following methodologies are prohibited: Placing the full cost on only one award when the cost benefits more than one award Splitting the costs evenly across the projects (based simply on the number of projects) Project Budgets (i.e. allocating the bulk of the costs to the project with the larger budget) Available Funds (i.e. allocating the bulk of the costs to the project with the larger balance) PI Approval (or note if email approval attached): Staff Member Review: Business Administrator or Center Director Approval: Choose one of the following and fill in supporting information (e.g. number of FTEs per project): A.& Effort for each project: D.& Number of FTEs who will use this item for each project: G.& PI time in lab for each project: J.& Other: Detailed description of allocation method used:1: #% 2: #% 3: #%1: # FTE 2: # FTE 3: # FTE1: # % 2: # % 3: # %Click here to enter text. 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