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Release From Contract

  1. A student who demonstrates a need acceptable to the University Housing Office to be released from any portion of the residence and board contract must apply for such release in writing at the University Housing Office. Releases to take effect at the end of the fall or winter quarters must be filed two weeks before the last day of classes for that quarter.
  2. A student withdrawing from the University, who has filed an application for release from contract, will be released from the residence and board contract at the end of the last quarter in which the student was enrolled for any portion of the quarter.
  3. A student may be released from the residence and board contract during a quarter for the following reasons: (a) academic dismissal, (b) disciplinary exclusion from the University, (c) marriage (a copy of the marriage certificate must be filed), (d) induction into military service, (e) graduation, or (f) health, upon written recommendation of the University Student Health Service.
  4. A student may be released at the end of any quarter because of a leave of absence required by an academic curriculum, such as co-op for students in the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, or the Teaching Media 榴梿视频 for students in the Medill School of Journalism. In order for such release to take effect, students must notify the University Housing Office four weeks prior to the end of the last quarter they will be in residence.
  5. To be released from the board portion of the contract, a student moving into a fraternity or sorority must demonstrate in writing that they 榴梿视频 contracted with the fraternity or sorority for a meal contract of equivalent value. 
  6. A student who is released from the room portion of the contract is automatically released from the board, social dues and maintenance fee portions of that contract.