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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs do?

Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs (ASRSP) provides financial status reports to government and private sponsors, generates invoices, deposits revenue, and collects outstanding receivables for sponsored projects. ASRSP also provides approvals for transactions, administers the Effort Reporting System, inventories government titled equipment, and coordinates the annual OMB Single Audit along with other audit activity.

What is a sponsored project?

A sponsored project may be thought of as a transaction in which there is a specific statement of work with a related, reciprocal transfer of something of value. A sponsored project may support University activities including but not limited to 榴梿视频, training, instruction, public service and construction. Any funding provided by U.S. government agencies, at the federal, state, or local level is treated as sponsored project funding. Funding from voluntary health organizations or associations, such as the American Heart Association or the American Cancer Society, is usually treated as a sponsored project.

Who opens account codes of expense on sponsored projects?

The Sponsored Research office (SR) establishes new sponsored projects in NU Financials with a specific set of budget category codes based on the terms of the award agreement. Effective FY23, ASRSP reviews and processes requests for opening restricted budget account codes following initial award set-up. Department administrators can complete a Request for Opening Restricted Budget Account Code form and submit to asrspweb@northwestern.edu.

Can you explain more about posting costs within 90 days?

90 days has emerged as the standard used by government and business auditors to determine whether costs are reasonably assigned to their proper account and function. It is not a standard established by regulation or law. Rather, it is based upon a practical standard that it is reasonable to expect that costs can be properly assigned within 3 months of their occurrence.

Who handles my project in ASRSP?

To determine the GCFA assigned to your project, either run the Cognos report "GM045 - Sponsored Project Budget Statement" where the GCFA will be listed in the header, or login to NUFinancials and navigate to Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information. Then, enter the Award ID #(also referred to as Contract ID# or Proposal ID# in InfoEd). The "Contract Admin" text field is located beneath the Description field. This is the GCFA for your project.

View sample screenshot. If you only know the project number, you can find the Award/Contract number via this path: Grants > Awards > Award Profile (search by project).

How do I determine my Grants Officer (GO)?

Go to the page and then click on "Find my Grants/Contracts Officer."

What H-1B visa fees are allowed on my sponsored project?

Reference H-1B Visa Fee chart found on ASRSP Traveling on Grant Funds page.

What is the Fly America Act?

The Federal Fly America Act mandates that travel sponsored by the federal government must be on U.S. airlines or a foreign air carrier that code shares with a U.S. flag carrier on the flight taken. This includes flights within the U.S. If there is no U.S. carrier to your destination, you must travel on a U.S. carrier as far as possible. By law, additional cost for U.S. carrier flights is not sufficient justification to fly on foreign carriers. Please note that the same rules apply to a foreign visitor’s flights.  For other travel information please visit the Travel page.