Universities and colleges Campus cultural centers Support 榴梿视频s, e.g. Educational Advancement Program, Upward Bound School and community libraries K-12 schools, public and private Head Start 榴梿视频s Non-profit organizations including those promoting literacy, e.g. VISTA Adult education 榴梿视频s, e.g. those focusing on GED preparation
Higher Education: Teaching Research Student Affairs Administration Including:
- International Student Services
- Study Abroad
- Multicultural Programming
- Student Support Services
Information/Library Science Primary and Secondary Education Community Education:
- Literacy
- English as a Second Language
- GED Preparation
- Coordination
- public speaking
- critical thinking
- writing
- social perceptiveness
- complex problem solving.
Higher Ed:
- Research
- Writing
- critical thinking
- judgment and decision making
- presentations
University of Maryland, Professor Teach For America, Manager of Professional Recruitment Chicago Public Schools, Teacher Glenbrook North High School, English Department Instructor
Advocacy (Public Policy & Activism)
Community action agencies Non-profit organizations, e.g. Asian American Alliance Private voluntary organizations Faith based organizations (FBO’s) and Asian-American church communities International aid and relief organizations Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s), e.g. International Red Cross Federal government agencies with an international focus, e.g. Peace Corps, USAIDor focus on community assistance, e.g. Americorps State and local government agencies Research organizations Community action agencies
Domestic and International Advocacy Humanitarian Services Development:
- Economic
- Community
- Housing
Disaster/Disease Relief HIV/AIDS Advocacy Policy Development Program Administration Education Volunteer Coordination Grant Writing Fundraising/Development Research
Administrative Communication Foreign Language Multitasking Leadership Prioritizing Analytical Thinking Attention to Detail Time Management Writing Skills Active Learning
Human Rights Watch, Media Desk Officer Clean Air Council, Energy Policy Analyst The Nature Conservancy, Deputy Ethics and Compliance Officer
Human Services (Medicine & Healthcare)
Mental health institutions Hospitals and clinics Residential treatment facilities Private and group practice Correctional institutions Federal, state, or local government, including: Department of Human Services Organizations that aid immigrants, migrant workers, and refugees or focus on cultural issues Youth organizations and camps including:
- YMCA’s
- Boys and Girls Clubs
Non-profit and social services organizations including:
- United Way
- Goodwill Industries
- Salvation Army
Church-based 榴梿视频s
Counseling Psychotherapy Mental Health Services Case Management Programming Community Relations Fundraising/Development Administration
Flexibility Cross functional teamwork Analytical ability Communication skills Time and project management Technical and design (for 榴梿视频 and manufacturing roles) Engineering coursework (for manufacturing based positions)
Schwab Rehab Hospital The Children's Heart Clinic, Physician Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. & Aff, Director, R&D Operations
Public and private corporations in various industries including:
- Banks and financial institutions
- Insurance companies
- Retail stores
- Hotels and restaurants
- Consumer goods manufacturers
Businesses targeting Asians Staffing agencies Consulting firms Market 榴梿视频 firms specializing in Asians Public relations agencies Asian firms operating in the U.S. U.S. firms with operations in Asia Asian chambers of commerce Minority Business Development Center
- Asian trade associations, e.g. Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce (APACC)
- Travel agencies and tour operators
Convention and visitors’ bureaus
International Business Importing/Exporting Logistics Banking Management Customer Service Sales Marketing Advertising Public Relations Training and Development Human Resources Equity and Diversity Functions Travel and Tourism Consulting
Problem-Solving Skills Analytical Thinking Skills Leadership & Team Based Skills Business Judgment Communication Skills Project Management Professionalism
VIZIO, Lead Application Developer Directions Research Inc. Kingdon Capital Management, LLC, Analyst The Gathering Group, Marketing and Social Media Coordinator Accenture LLP, Management Consultant J.P. Morgan, Vice President
Law and Politics
Law firms Corporate legal departments Public defenders offices District attorneys Public interest groups, e.g. Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund (AALDEF) Civil rights organizations, e.g. Asian Americans Advancing Justice Legal aid Sole practitioner Government agencies, e.g. Department of State (foreign service) Lobbying groups
- Corporate Practice
- Public Interest Law
- Civil Law
Lobbying Government Relations Elected or Appointed Leadership Public Policy Research Intelligence Campaign Management Special Interest Advocacy Program Administration
Administrative Analytical Thinking Attention to Detail Time Management Writing Skills Active Learning
Grimshaw and Harring, Associate Attorney New York County District Attorney's Office Appeals Bureau, Assistant District Attorney US Department of State, Foreign Service Officer Willey & Bentaleb LLP, Partner
Media and The Arts
Broadcast media companies including television and movie industry Radio stations Foreign news agencies Trade, professional, or consumer publications Internet sites marketed toward Asian Americans Advertising agencies Publishing houses Large corporations Freelance Museums Galleries Organizations and centers dedicated to promoting Asian visual and performing arts, e.g. Asian American Arts Alliance Smithsonian Institution (Freer & Sackler Galleries)
Journalism Creative Writing Freelance Writing Copy Writing Editing Research and Analysis Broadcasting:
- Television
- Radio
- Media Sales
Museum Work Arts Programming Art Sales Fundraising/Development
strong interpersonal skills attention to detail ability to multitask organizational skills time management verbal and written communication ability to work collaboratively in a team environment computer and technical skills (in various forms of electronic media)
Columbia Records, Vice President, Visual Media 榴梿视频.com (New York Times), Guide to China Mars, Inc., Global Media Director Boston Symphony Orchestra, Senior Publicist
Nonprofit organizations Social service agencies Hospitals and medical centers Faith based organizations (FBO’s) and Asian-American church communities Private foundations, e.g. The Ford Foundation International organizations, e.g. The World Health Organization, The International Red Cross Special interest groups, e.g. Asian American Alliance Trade or professional associations Libraries Educational institutions Cultural heritage organizations Historical sites
Administration Program Management and Development Fund Raising/Development Grant Writing Research Policy Analysis Service Delivery Volunteer Coordination Community Education Public Relations and Marketing
Creativity Multi-tasking Interpersonal Time Management Service Orientation Writing Social Perceptiveness Enthusiasm & knowledge for the cause
The Brooking Institution, Research Analyst/Publications Manager Literacy Volunteers, Director American Geophysical Union, Assistant Director, Executive Office