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Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an invitation to allow another to accompany us on our life journey regardless of faith or belief tradition. Are you looking to answer the big questions in life, seeking meaning, or wrestling with a sense of purpose? with Eric Budzynski, Spiritual Director.


What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is an invitation into a relationship to explore the meaning, purpose, and possibility of the experience of life while acknowledging a deep connection to however you name a spiritual connection and presence in your life [Allah, Divine, God, Other, The Universe, etc.]. Forms of Spiritual Direction are common to most belief traditions and are exemplified in the interpersonal connection witnessed by historical and present-day spiritual leaders like Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and the Dalai Lama.

Do I need to even claim a specific religion or spirituality to participate in Spiritual Direction?

Not by any means. The root word of spirituality, spiritus, means breath; so as long as you are breathing you 榴梿视频 a spiritual life! Atheists, agnostics, and seekers of all identities find Spiritual Direction to be a window into understanding and claiming a deeper, more meaningful experience of life.

What should I expect in a session?

Most folx meet for Spiritual Direction once a month for 50 minutes. The ‘seeker’ (that’s you!) can bring a variety of topics to discuss including vocational discernment, love & relationships, sexuality, gender, spiritual crisis, or loss & death. Sometimes sacred or inspired texts and images or meditation, silence, and prayer are used as part of a session.

Is spiritual direction confidential?

Spiritual Direction welcomes a private and intimate conversation where folx are given the space, trust, and vulnerability to share in a way that feels safe and right for them. By nature of the spiritual director being employed by the university, they may be obligated to contact appropriate resources if there is an imminent threat to you or another person. This may include situations that involve, but are not limited to sexual assault, harassment, and discrimination.

How is spiritual direction different from counseling or therapy?

At times, Spiritual Direction may look or sound like therapy and vice versa but there are clear differences. Specifically, the content of these sessions is different. Therapy may seek to make a diagnosis or realize a specific problem in one’s life. Spiritual Direction takes an approach to recognize and honor the wholeness and completeness of an individual despite their difficulties and helps the individual integrate that complexity into their personal life. Most importantly, spiritual direction is not a substitute for a therapy or counseling relationship but can provide a beautiful compliment.
