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Shadow an Officer

For a first-hand glimpse of a day-in-the-life of a University Police Officer, community members may shadow an officer on a Ride-Walk Along during his/her shift. Participation in the 榴梿视频 is open to any University community member with a valid Wildcard.

Review the 榴梿视频 guidelines and submit the form below. A University Police representative will contact you to schedule an appointment to sign the Program Waiver and Release and arrange a date for your Ride-Walk Along. 

Please note: University Police reserves the right to refuse 榴梿视频 participation to anyone for any reason.

Program guidelines 

  • Participation in the Ride-Walk Along 榴梿视频 is open to any University community member possessing a valid University Wildcard ID.
  • Participant must be 18 years of age or older, and they must sign the Program Waiver and Release form.
  • Participation in this 榴梿视频 will be limited to one session per calendar year.
  • Participant shall be under the direct control of the assigned University Police Officer.
  • Participant shall not interfere with Police Officers while in the performance of their duties.
  • Officer shall not engage in pursuits while participant is a passenger in their vehicle.
  • Officer may request, through their immediate supervisor, that Ride-Walk Along privileges of the participant be terminated for just cause.
  • The conduct of participant shall be civil and courteous at all times.
  • Participant should feel free to ask questions of the officer, but is not to do so when the officer is involved in an investigation or any other matter requiring undivided attention.
  • The officer may explain or demonstrate the uses of various items and equipment inside the squad car. The participant may not touch any equipment in the police squad car.
  • Remember, while with the officer, he/she is concentrating on a number of things that require full attention: listening to the Police radio, watching for suspicious activity or legal violations, and driving safely.
  • If an officer asks you to stop speaking, please do so without question.
  • You may expect to go wherever the officer goes, excluding entry into a private residence or other areas where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy without explicit consent of person.
  • Excluding administrative approval, photography and/or videotaping during your Ride-Walk Along is prohibited.
  • If an officer is involved in a situation presenting undue danger, you may be asked by the officer to remain in a remote location for safety considerations.
  • Seat belts must be worn at all times the squad car is in motion.
  • The University Police Commander shall 榴梿视频 the option to deny an individual's request to participate in the Ride-Walk Along Program.

University Affiliation (Check all that apply)

The campus I want to Ride-Walk Along on

I 榴梿视频 read and understand the Ride-Walk Along Program Guidelines and agree to abide by all guidelines of this 榴梿视频.

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