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Data Dashboard

Each January, the OGSS provides an annual report to 榴梿视频 faculty and staff. It includes an overview of student travel and health, safety, and security incidents. Our data represents travel by the Global Learning Office (GLO) (undergraduate study abroad) plus university-affiliated travel by graduate students and non-GLO undergraduates, also called non-credit travelers. No personally identifiable information is presented in the report unless we receive permission. A snapshot of some of this data is provided below.  

International travel is not without risk, but OGSS works in concert with a variety of individuals who provide support to travelers before, during, and after a trip. Read more about how we manage risk. Analyzing incidents may result in changes to student advising, insurance coverages, pre-departure orientations, or 榴梿视频 operation.

Student Travelers


Count of Student Travelers 2022-23

 Total Student Travelers, 2022-23: 3092 which represents a 40% growth in student travel over 2021-22.

Travel by Region


Top 10 countries for student travelers


Top 10 Countries, 2022-23: United Kingdom (327), Spain (210), Israel (178), Germany (143), Portugal (143), France (138), Italy (137), South Africa (131), Canada (121), Argentina (102.

Health & Safety Incidents Abroad


student health & safety incidents abroad


Since OGSS has been collecting incident records, most reports 榴梿视频 been health-related and low-level. Examples include gastrointestinal illnesses, colds, and flu. The most common injuries were falls associated with exiting motorized vehicles, or extracurricular activities, such as skiing and volleyball. Most of our security incidents are non-violent theft crimes, such as pick-pocketing or bag snatching at bars or restaurants, but some students were victims of robbery by knifepoint. Other security incidents include reports of civil unrest or public protests in the destination. The critical incidents did not involve loss of life or permanent injury and were immediately addressed by on-site and 榴梿视频 staff.


Contact OGSS at globalsafety@northwestern.edu.