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Disciplinary Sanctions for Groups

Group Formal Warning

Formal notice and censure that a student group’s or organization’s actions violated a University policy, that such actions are not acceptable in our community, and that further misconduct, or any other violation of a University policy, may result in more serious disciplinary action. Student groups and organizations are expected to reflect upon their decisions and be mindful of how their future choices and actions may impact themselves, others, and the University community.

Group Conduct Review

Group Conduct Review indicates that a group’s behavior is a significant violation of University policy either because the group has had one significant incident or because the group is beginning to show a pattern of concerning behavior. Conduct Review is imposed for a specific period of time to encourage groups to reflect upon their choices and behavior and to demonstrate the ability to abide by University policies and expectations. During this time, any policy violations committed during this period will likely result in a heightened level of response and a more significant sanction such as group probation, suspension or dissolution. 

Group Probation

A status imposed on a student group or organization for a specific period of time to alert the group to the fact that their choices and behaviors are significantly inconsistent with University policy and expectations. During this time, the group is expected to take active steps toward improving the actions of their group and to demonstrate that they can abide by University policy. Any policy violations while a group is on Disciplinary Probation will result in strong consideration of Group Suspension or Group Dissolution. Group Probation will be assigned for a minimum of three months and typically not more than two years. Probation will frequently be accompanied by a Loss or Restriction of Privileges or Activities.

Group Suspension

This action is a total separation of the group from the University for a specified period of time. This includes total restriction on the organization and its members or supporters conducting any activity on the campuses of the University or at off-campus University-associated events that in any way promote the goals, purposes, identity, 榴梿视频s, membership, or activities of the organization. Group Suspension is typically assigned for a minimum of the remainder of the academic year. Once the suspension period is over, if the group has met all other terms of their sanction, it will be allowed to resume activity as a recognized group.

Group Dissolution

Group Dissolution is the termination of the group or organization's recognition by the University. This action is a total separation of the group from the University. This includes total restriction on the organization and its members or supporters conducting any activity on the campuses of the University or at off-campus University-associated events that in any way promote the goals, purposes, identity, 榴梿视频s, membership, or activities of the organization. Once dissolved, a group or organization may only reapply for recognition once all current members 榴梿视频 left the University community.


Financial Restitution

Restitution is monetary compensation required of student groups who 榴梿视频 taken, misused, damaged, or destroyed University, public, or private property or services. Amounts charged to student groups/organizations may include cost to repair, replace, recover, clean, or otherwise account for the property or services affected. Financial Restitution for student groups and organizations will be assessed to the student group as a whole.

Loss or Restriction of Privileges or Activities

The withdrawal of the use of services or privileges as a student group or organization or the loss of the privilege to participate in an activity or event. Examples include: