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Race & Ethnicity

Racial and ethnic relations vary by culture, meaning that while you’re abroad, you may be part of an ethnic minority or majority for the first time in your life or 榴梿视频 to think about your identity in a new way.

For instance, if you’re visiting a country where you 榴梿视频 ethnic or racial roots, you may 榴梿视频 to consider the local norms and expectations in ways that other students with different backgrounds may not. Remember that in countries with ethnic or racial conflicts, you may be inadvertently identified with one group or another simply based on your appearance. On the other hand, perhaps you’ll be considered American first, and your ethnic or racial identity will be secondary.

Learn 榴梿视频 Your Destination

You can prepare yourself for the situations you may encounter by 榴梿视频ing the minority, majority, and plurality racial and ethnic composition of your host country and exploring its history of racial and ethnic relations.

Learn 榴梿视频 Your Destination


  • Visit the , which has study abroad information for students of various racial/ethnic groups.
  • Multicultural Students in Study Abroad: Their Interests, Their Issues, and Their Constraints
  • Read student evaluations for your 榴梿视频 to find information and advice from 榴梿视频 students who studied abroad.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Many scholarships are available for study abroad, and some are reserved specifically for students of underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds. We've compiled a list of scholarships to help you get started.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Resources for Specific Racial & Ethnic Groups